Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Heeeeeere's troy!

I found Troy Aikman today

     Well, not the real guy, just his picture.
     Julia bought an autographed Troy Aikman poster.  When she went to Switzerland for 3 years, the framed poster was put in storage at our house.  When we moved, the picture was put in storage at Emily's house.
     Well, you know what happened to Emily;s house.
     One of the boxes that survived was labeled Troy Aikman picture.  This cardboard box was pretty beat up.  There were four pictures in it, but not one of Troy.
     I always wondered why Julia bought it.  She must have obsessed on the Dallas quarterback.  All star, hall of famer,  true, but still.  Dallas??
     I thought it was funny that Troy would be the only picture gone.  But there was no other explanation.  The winds of fate must have snatched him out of the box.
     One year later, I still have a bunch of boxes in my garage.  Some are Emily's, some Julia's, some mine.
     I have been going through them, trying to get Emily and John boxes back to their garage.  Julia said she did not want most of the stuff she left behind 14 years ago.
     Opened a box of Fiesta ware.....put that in the Third Sunday pile.
     Opened a box of photographs.  In the save for Julia pile.  Dog coats....tossed, full of tornado debris.  12 lids for storage containers?  Gone.
     Opened a box of old books....Third Sunday.
     Disney pictures and prints.....Julia's pile.  Mickey stuffed animals...... Julia's pile.
     The next to the last box had four pictures in it....including the Troy Aikman one.
     I don't think Julia wants it....but I put it in her pile.      Some things are not for me to decide.
     If she doesn't want it, wonder what the market is?
     In the meantime, I know where he is.......and no winds of fate are going to take him again!

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