Sunday, January 31, 2016

what a doll

I once killed a Mrs. Beasley doll

     I sure didn't mean to.
     In case you don't remember, the dolls were little blondish ladies waring glasses.  They had a  pull string in the back.  When you pulled the string it said things like, "I love you,"  or "Will you play with me?" and other stuff like that.
     I don't remember the year.... but everything else is pretty clear.
     Little Cindy was in the back seat.  Joanie was driving.  I was in the front seat.  I was getting a ride out to a girl friend's house.
     Being the socially awkward person I am, I did not have a car in high school or my first year in college.   All my dates were on a bus, on foot, or with a friend.  I didn't have many friends with cars, either.
     Add in the acne and you can get a picture of my dating life.
     Cindy had a Mrs. Beasley doll.  They first came out in 1967, so this was probably 68 or so.  Before Jackie.
     Mrs. Beasley stopped talking.  The string did not pull out.
     I took the doll and was fiddling with it, thinking the string was jammed and only had to be loosened.
     It was a hot day.  The car windows were down.  We were somewhere near Caldwell Woods on the north west side of Chicago.
     I had a small screwdriver for some reason and opened the back of Mrs. Beasley.  I saw the problem.  A spring appeared to be out of alignment.
     I touched it.
     Mrs. Beasley's insides exploded like an elephant with diarrhea.
     Springs, and wires started shooting everywhere.  Joan had to duck as a piece flew past her head an out the window.
     Parts bounded off the windshield and onto the floor.
     I swear I saw an airplane propellor and a dwarf, but that might be my imagination.
     It was over in seconds.  Then the screaming started.
     Joan, startled by the distraction,  almost lost control of the car.
     Cindy yowled for Mrs. Beasley.
     Mrs. Beasley said nothing, although her face was in permanent shock mode.
     I found as many pieces as I could, but it was obvious the doll would never talk again.
     I closed the patient up and gave it back to Cindy, who kept pulling on the string to no avail.
     I kind of feel I owe Cindy a Mrs. Beasley doll.
     But they go for about $250 at E-Bay, so that probably will not happen.
     Maybe someday I'll find one at an auction or garage sale ..... but I will have to check to see if it really works.
      I don't want to try to fix another one.

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