Monday, January 25, 2016

that was unnecessary

I need a new bathroom mirror

     And it's all my fault.
     I was in the bathroom this morning, pondering the one little strip of tape left on my belly.
     I had soaked it the previous night and there was only about an inch of tape left.
     So I stood in a hot shower today, letting the water hit me on the chest and belly.  I must have been there 45 minutes.  My skin was prune like.
     Following Renee's advice to tug gently, ignoring Kathy's advice to just leave it, using the baby oil suggested by Trish ,... but that is a different subject; and watching for aliens as Doug suggested, I opted  to not follow Carrie's advice to leave it alone.
     I pulled it off gently.  (Renee won.  I have the tape for you as a prize.)
     All hell broke loose.
     A hissing sound followed and suddenly I was propelled around the room, bouncing off walls, hitting the floor, the ceiling.  I was flying like Superman and screaming like Supergirl!  I knocked  the air freshener to the floor and finally bouncing of the mirror,  shattering it,  before I slid to the floor.
     It was jet action!  Just like letting a balloon go!
     I am sore and battered.  Luckily, I had so much baby oil on, I mostly slid off the walls.  But the mirror took a direct hit.
     I know it's seven years bad luck, but that may be an improvement.

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