Tuesday, January 19, 2016


I can't stand paper!!

     I don't know what to do with stuff.
     Example:  Every month I get a report on my prescription drug costs from Medicare.  Do I need to save these?  I have like 4  years worth!!  Not only that, but now Jackie gets them!
And insurance claims.  We get printouts of what our doctor visit was, the cost, how much we have to pay, how much they pay, what the discount is..... how long do I need to save those?
     We have some investments where we get monthly reports on some and quarterly reports on others.  And end of the year statements.  What do I save??  And for how long??
     But when someone asks for the important piece of paper we got from insurance announcing a change in our specialty pharmacy, I didn't put it in the insurance folder, the pile of important stuff on my desk, or the pile of stuff to file when I get around to it.  After 45 minutes of hunting, it turned up on the dining room table.  I didn't look there because I knew I put it on a pile!
     And notes.
     I make notes on blog topics, column topics, movies I'd like to see, books I want to read.  But the notes can be on anything.. scrap paper, used printer paper,  Post-It notes.   I have a note on a note!  I have another note I have read three times and still don't know what it means and I'll be damned if I am going to throw it out.
     I have always been challenged by paper.
     People keep talking about a paperless society, but I will have the same problem with on line stuff.
     For example, we got a pre-tax form from our accountant.  It is 36 pages long.  He e mailed it to us, and I think I am supposed to print the pages that might be pertinent to my tax situation.  But it's 36 pages!!
     Holy crap!
     I am a disorganized person.
     I read how to articles on organizing and I just can't do it.  It's against my DNADD.
     My fear is when I die, people will come in the clean out the house and see all this crud and ask the important question:  What the hell??
    The good part, I won't have to answer.

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