Wednesday, January 27, 2016

a delicate topic

Just call me Jupiter!

     I have a follow up for the doc on Friday.  And I think it is just in time.
     Over the past three days, let's just say I have become like the planet Jupiter.
    Yes, the planet.
    Now Mercury may be hot, but I am not hot like that.
    Pluto may no longer be a planet because it is small and cold, plus a little stand offish.  Pluto could have been my high school prom date.  No, on second thought; Pluto is interesting.
     I could be like Earth....perfect in so many ways.
     But no, I have become Jupiter, the gas giant of the solar system.
     I assume my latest resemblance to a natural gas field is a result of my surgery.  My stomach is a little tighter, and perhaps that is the reason.
     I don't think it is the food, although I have been drinking beer this week.  I know beer does not last forever, so I am finishing up the stock I bought for the World Series.  Call me crazy and a risk taker.
     Luckily, I don't know beer, so if I drink a skunky one, I won't know!   When did they stop selling Summer Shandy??
     Maybe it's the coffee.  Or tea.
     Anyway, when you see me, please keep your distance.  I don't want germs from any cold or flu viruses that going around.
     Let's just use that as an excuse.
     If this doesn't change, I might have Hindenburg tattooed on my side.
     And it may not be a wise idea to have an open flame around me.  You know, just in case.

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