Monday, January 18, 2016

it sounded good

I decided to read some books

     I figure I have tine to read, now that I can't do a lot of stuff. So I decided to read the Donna Leon books that deal with a Venice, Italy, detective named Guido Brunetti.
     I have read several of these, and I love then.  Brunetti is a life long Venice resident and solves crime in a thoughtful way.
     There is no obvious violence, no swearing, no sex, and very little blood.  Pretty G rated as far as detective novels are concerned.
     But they don't give me nightmares.  And they keep me in suspense.
     So I decided to read all of the books, in order that they were written.  I could see how characters changed, when favorite characters came in, how other characters advanced and moved on.
     I didn't realize she had done 23 books!
     Another reason why I like them is they are in Venice.  Jackie and I went there several years ago, but I had not yet discovered the books.
     The first one I read featured a body found in a canal.  As I read it, I realized this canal was just around the corner from where we stayed!  I had a picture in my mind of what people saw.  It was pretty neat.
     Venice is a character in the book.  Leon talks about the problems pollution causes on the buildings, on the water, on the people.  She talks about the problems tourists cause and that Venice is becoming a city for tourists and its residents are being forced out because building owners can make more money off tourists than shop clerks and pensioners.
     I found a map on line that pinpoints locations mentioned in the books.  Problem is, it's in German and there is no English translation.
     Another website posts pictures people have taken of the places mentioned in the book.
     Evidently there are a lot of Guido Brunetti fans in  the world.
     Leon is actually an American, but has lived abroad for a long time, teaching in various countries before settling in Venice.
     Someday I will go back to Venice, and I'll sit in a bar and have a coffee and pay attention to the people as they pass by.  Maybe I'll see her and say hello.
     Until then, I better get going.
     I am just starting book 2.

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