Friday, January 29, 2016

2 down

I saw the surgeon today

     He said my belly was looking good (Take that, Beth and Carrie!), but I had to wait six weeks before resuming normal activity of lifting and such.
     Not lifting stuff is a pain.
     I can carry a gallon of milk, but that is my limit.
     So my day is an endless math problem.  Does this weigh more or less than a gallon of milk.
     How much is Jackie's leg?
     How much are the samples?
     Is the garbage can I drag out more than a gallon if I am dragging and not lifting?
     John took out my recycling.  Funny thing.  I have tried to throw away an old, beat up tub, marked with a 6 in the eco circle, for months.  The recycling guys won't take it.  The garbage guys won't take it.  So yesterday I had a perfectly good tub of newspapers John loaded on the cart for me.  That tub they took.
     I should have put it in the old, crappy tub....but I was not thinking.
There are several projects to be done around the homestead in April and May.
     Rework the ditch, which has huge ruts that damn near bounce me off the tractor when I mow, for one.
     Staining the interior door in front.  It has been three colors since we built.  I think it looks unfinished.
     Plantings in the back yard and a little mulch to make it more attractive for any guests that might drop in in June.
     Getting the garden planted.  I got Burpee seeds in the mail today.  Sugar snap peas, Italian beans, green beans, cucumber, carrots.  We will but tomato plants and green pepper plants.  This year we will be hear all growing season, so I anticipate a great crop of almost organic vegetable.  I say almost, because I do spray Miracle Grow on them once in a while.
     And the garage.
     Some of it goes to Emily's, some goes to a garage sale, some to Kane County, some to the trash.  I just don't know what goes where.  Yet.
     And yes, some of the projects will be hired out.  At least the ditch will be.
     Hopefully I can shake off the laziness that has developed in me and get the stuff done.
     So stay close to your phone Nadine, I may need your advice staining the door.  And anyone with a green thumb and a strong back is welcome to stop in sometime in mid May for a day of planting and mulching.
     It'll be fun!

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