Wednesday, January 20, 2016 last

I finally got outside today

     I know that does not sound like a big deal.
     But since the hernia repair, I have been laying low.  I have been a little nervous about driving.  But today, I ventured forth into the world.
     And what a wonderful world it is!  The temperatures were mild, birds singing, grass was green and the flowers were amazing.  Wait....that was a tv show.
    At least it was above 0, which seems warm to me.  The house isn't as cold either.  Or it could be the three layers I find myself constantly wearing.
     I went to the bank, post office, dropped off a package at the UPS drop box at Petro.  Last time I took a Zappo's box there, I shoved it into the drop slot.  It got stuck.  No matter how hard I pushed, or pulled, it would not budge.
     Finally a little bit of a lady came over to help and she jammed it down into the box, making me feel like a weakling.  Well today, I went back and kicked sand in her face, because I took the Charles Atlas body building course.
     Actually, the Zappo's box would not fit, so I gave it to the person at the counter and she put it with the other UPS boxes.
     I was returning a pair of shoes I bought.  They were too big.  I ordered a 9 and one half, but they were huge.  I wear some shoes that are 9s some 10s, and figured the middle was best.  I had about three inches from my toe to the end of the shoe.  Go figure.
     By the time I was done with errands, I felt a little tired and a little sore.  Getting in and out of the car was a little more taxing than I thought.
     But it did feel good.
     So tonight, I rest, perchance to dream.
     Forsooth, what light in yonder window doth break?
    'Tis the moon, beautiful in the dark sky.
     If it was full I'd go howl.

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