Monday, January 4, 2016

I'm feeling lucky!

I bought Powerball tickets today

     I feel real lucky about this!  Of course, I say that every time I buy a lottery ticket.  I am convinced I am going to win big.
     Then I will do my share to alleviate poverty, provide for the homeless, build needed facilities......well, ok, maybe not.  I mean, how many schools does a town need?
     The Powerball is a little over $400 million.  That's a lot of moolah.
     Then I Googled El Gordo, the Spanish lottery that is held every Christmas.  It's one of several lotto games done in Europe.
     The prize pool for the El Gordo drawn in December was....wait for it.....2.2 billion Euros.  Billion!! that's 9 zeros!!
     Holy Crap!  That is some serious money.   I could buy a country with that!  Or a state, like Illinois.
     Now that would be cool.  Going to the Guv and offering 2 billion for the state as is. I would be king, and you all would be my subjects!   Bwaaaahaaaahaaaa ha!  Well, not those of you who live out of state, but someday maybe I would take you over too and rule the world!!
     But, I digress.
     El Gordo awards lots of prizes....but I don't understand how to read the payouts on the web site.  I do know you can play on line from anywhere in the world, so next October I am going to buy a couple of El Gordo tickets.  Who knows?
     I just hope the guy who swiped my wallet didn't use that money to buy tickets.  And if he did, I hope he didn't win.
     And if he did win, it would have been nice of him to send me the money back.
     Never mind.  Just another pipe dream.
     I am going off to dreamland, thinking of ways to spend $400 million.  Be nice to me and I will remember that!
     $weet dream$!

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