Friday, January 22, 2016

buffalo springfield

I have a song in my  head

There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clearThere's a man with a gun over thereTelling me I got to beware

Paranoia strikes deepInto your life it will creepIt starts when you're always afraidYou step out of line, the man come and take you away

     To me, ti's kind of talking about our times.  

     We have people believing in conspiracy theories about our government taking away the guns; declaring a state of emergency and locking everyone up; spraying chemicals in the air.
     When I was a kid, fluoride in water was a plot by the Communists.  It wasn't.  Senator Joe said there were Commies all over the place.  There weren't. 
     Yet today those same kind of wild nonsensical stories get spread by well meaning people.  Some of them politicians.  
     Why do people not believe the planet is warming when there is scientific evidence, yet believe the government is momentarily going to imprison us all?
     I don't get it.
     We have politicians saying they want to make America great again and I ask myself, when did we stop being great?  We draw immigrants from all over the world, some legally, some illegally.  They risk death to get here.  Would they be willing to risk all that to get to a country that was just ok?
     And the students that attend universities here.  They don't come for the climate.  They come for the first class education they can get here, with more opportunities than any other country.  They don't come here because we are ok.
     When you question those beliefs, you can be met with threats, intimidation, name calling and most galling, the statement "maybe not now, but they could."

I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

     What's going down is reason.  

     And on that, I'm going to bed.

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