Monday, February 1, 2016

Waldo...George...where are they?

I track money

     I registered years ago on the Where's George site.
     Maybe you have seen money with a red stamp on it that asks, "Where's George?"
     If you get one of those bills, you can go to the site and enter the serial number.  In an instant you will get a list of all the places that bill has gone.
     People get the bills and stamp them.  Of course, you have to buy the stamp and you run the risk of violating Federal law by defacing a bill, but I don't imagine many people get charged with that.
     Of course the President may decide to repossess all those stamps in a massive crackdown.  They can have my stamp when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.   Oh wait, that's another paranoid worry.
     Anyway, I got a bill at Rotary and entered it.
     My current bill left Indianapolis,  IN, 1 year, 320 days and 14 hours ago.  It has travelled 215 miles, at an average speed of .31 miles per day.  Yes, I can walk faster than that.
     There were no entries besides Indianapolis and Rochelle.  I guess you could say someone got the bill in Indianapolis and visited Rotary in Rochelle, but that in all likelihood did not happen.  The bill was spent, re spent, passed along until it got to Rochelle.
     In a way, I think it's kind of neat to see where money travels.
     Two of my other bills were entered Indianapolis, but there has also been bills from Cleveland, Middlebury Florida and I don't remember where.
     One of my bills started in Indianapolis, went to Sycamore, then Rochelle, then Steward, then DeKalb and last Barrington.  It hasn't been entered since.
     I don't often find them, only 7 in four years, but it's always interesting to me when I enter the serial number.
     So keep an eye out for a dollar bill with a red circle on it.
     It could have been one I had.
    You'll recognize it by the picture of George on it.

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