Wednesday, January 6, 2016

just the two of us

We put Julia on the plane to Switzerland tonight

     She calls it going home.  I call it going to Switzerland.  Home is here.
     When we let Corki out of her crate after coming back from the airport, she disappeared.
I found her on Julia's bed, looking sad.  I think she will miss all the scraps she was getting, plus the preferential treatment of sleeping on a pillow in a soft bed.
      Poor dog is going to go back to what we thought was normal.
     I am amazed at the amount of luggage some people bring to the plane.
     As Jackie and I were leaving, we passed a Toyota SUV that was packed to the gills with suitcases and bags!  The driver could not even see out the back window.  Right in front of it was a van, just like ours, and the back end was full of suitcases also.  I don't think they could have had 4 people in the car and they had at least 1,367 suitcases!  I know I don't travel light, but that was ridiculous.
     Sitting at the international terminal, you can actually see famous people going for their planes.  Of course, I do not recognize any of them, but I imagine there are famous people going to their planes at the airport.  Actors, artists, performers, athletes.....all of them travel by air and I am sure at least one passed us by.
     Anyway, right now she should be over the Atlantic, about 3 hours from Zurich.  She will pass over southern England and France and a bunch of islands I don't know names of, arriving in Zurich at 2 in the morning our time.  Then she catches a flight from Zurich to Geneva and gets in about 4 our time.
     By the time she gets home, it will be time for me to get up and start looking for that always welcome message:  Home safe, but tired.
     For me though, home is here.

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