Friday, January 8, 2016

stupid cards

I get really confused with reward cards

     Jackie and I each have Walgreen Balance Rewards cards.  The accounts are linked, so either user can accumulate or spend points.
     I clipped an electronic coupon to my account today.
     Now for an old guy like me, reading that sentence makes no sense.  Usually I clip coupons from the paper, not the air.  And I put them in my pocket, not in an account in cyber space.
     Walgreen's had Progresso soup for $1.25 a can, and the coupon gave me .25 off four cans.  So I could save a dollar.
     I scanned my card and ..... no savings.
     So I contacted the live chat people at Walgreen's and discovered I clipped to coupon to my account, then I used Jackie's card, which means the coupon wasn't clipped to that account.
     It just seems very confusing.
     Other tech questions I don't get.
     What is the difference between Xfinity, Comcast, and Xfinity 1, or what ever it's called?
     Where the hell is the cloud.  Sometimes it seems to be hovering right over my head, bringing rain and gloom.
     Why are so many of my pictures out of focus?
     Why can't my numbers win the lotto?  They are good numbers.  (ok, the tech part comes in some way on this, just not sure.)
     A dog is seven years (or nine years?  Can't remember and it doesn't matter) for every human year.  So how old is a computer in human years?
      With all those ponderous thoughts bouncing around, think I'll just call it a night and go to bed.
I have a house to clean tomorrow.
     Oh.... I went to WalMart and bought a storage container.  I have the wrong lid.  I can't find the receipt.  The container looks used.  So did I
  A.    Already use the container and this is an odd container
  B.     Pick up the wrong lid
  C.     Put a wrong lid on the new container
  D.     Imagine the whole thing

     I'll find out tomorrow, when I attempt to take back a lid.  Or container.  Not sure.
     Peace and love to all.

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