Thursday, January 21, 2016

that's really weird

I am a little concerned about junk mail

  And not just on the Internet.
   I get my share of e-mails from legitimate businesses, like LL Bean, Zappos, Eddie Bauer.
   But it is the other ones I don't ever open.
   Slut Hookup, for one.  I don't want to know why I get an occasional e mail from them.  I can understand the Canadian Pharmacy ones, but Lonely 60s Singles does make me wonder how lonely people really must be to use that site.  And are there really 30 sexy women who want to meet me?
   I get lots of junk mail courtesy of the post office also.
   A common one comes addressed to me in very nice handwriting, with a local return address.  I open it and: voila!!  An ad for hearing aids!  Those seem to be coming more frequently.
     I have tried to cut down on the number of catalogs by registering my choices at Catalog Choice, but Eddie Bauer and Plow and Hearth seem to have one every week.
   I do have a rather blistering e mail to send to Plow and Hearth.  I hesitate, because it might be a little too critical.  I need to soften the edges.  It concerns my new patio set, which does not seem to be built very well.
   And now I get something almost every other day from Roads Scholar, the group I am using for the Cuba trip in March with Dan.  I get catalogs, new courses, domestic trips, trips abroad.....and I do believe the young person said I can get a $1,000 credit if I recommend someone and they book a trip.
   So I have recommend all my friends.  Prepare for the mailing onslaught.
   Just kidding.  I told her I didn't have any friends.  When she pressed me, I told her the only friend I had was going on the same trip I was.
   Obviously I have friends, I just don't want to give their names to some company that will flood them with unwanted mail.
   On the other hand, they do have some pretty good trips.....if you want to take one, contact me and I'll  send them your name and get a credit.
   At least I think it was them.  Could have been the BMW dealership.  Oh wait, we don't have BMW.
   Never mind.
   Good night.

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