Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Why am I still up?

     I am tired.
     I have to get up early.
     I am scared.
     That's the reason.
     I don't like going to hospitals and having operations.  I know, no one does.
     I am a weak person.  I faint at the sight of blood.  I can't even look at a cut on my hand without getting woozy!
     Tomorrow I am going to have a million stitches up the side of my' will look like a rail road track gone crazy.
     I won't be able to look at it.  Or change the dressing.  Or sleep on it.  Or sneeze. Or take a shower.  Or take off my shirt.
     I am being a big baby, you are right.  It's time to strap it on, pull up those big boy pants, and get tough.
     Or maybe take a valium and hope it puts me to sleep quickly so I don't have to think about anything.
     Oh well.......
    Night.  Just night, cause there isn't anything good right now.

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