Saturday, January 2, 2016

where were you?

I failed a memory test today

     Today there was a shower for my daughter.  Niece Cindy and her two lovely daughters stayed after for a while to visit.
    We got playing "Where were you when,"  which is not actually a game.  But remembering about events that shaped our lives.
     We talked about where we were when 9/11 happened, and the Oklahoma City bombing.  I mentioned that I was at Emily's house when the Challenger exploded and that the 30th anniversary of that was coming up.
     Em looked at me and said. "Really?  So you were at my house in Sycamore 30 years ago when I was....what, nine?"
     Of course I was not.  Emily remembers watching it on tv in school, and in reality was probably in fourth grade because we did watch it on tv.  It was another launch that exploded when she lived in Sycamore that I remember.
     Funny how the mind plays games and events get blurred together.
     It was a great shower.  Wonderful food and people I hadn't seen in ages.  It was good to see family and friends from years back.
     Chicago John came out and we went out to see the bison, then went for coffee.
     I took him to Cypress House, and we sat in the greenhouse area and sipped some freshly ground grounds and talked about lots of stuff two old guys find interesting.
     It's about midnight, and I am wide awake.  I also made a run to DeKalb this morning and of course could not pass up the I have a little caffeine in me that sort of prevents me from nodding off....or at this point sitting still.
     The storm sirens have been going on and off for the last ten minutes or so.  My first thought is a meltdown at the nuclear plant, but it is evidently a computer malfunction.
     We get a leaflet every year that tells us what to do if the plant malfunctions.
     I completely disregard the leaflet and tell Jackie just get in a car and drive into the wind for the next three hours.  I figure if we drive into the wind, the fallout will be blowing away from us.
     Strange what I think about when the mind is racing.  Every time it makes a corner, I hear an echo.    Seems I have a lot of empty space up there.
    Maybe Em will post the picture of the chicken she got today.  No, it won't go with the guinea fowl....the chick is too big!
     Peace and sweet dreams for all of you....or good morning.  Whatever.

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