Saturday, January 16, 2016

it's ugly

I have seen the future, and I don't like it

    It's a little surgery, but a big deal.
     I can't do stuff I normally do.  No lifting.  No driving for a few days.  No stretching to get stuff.
     It's almost as if we are in our 80s....and it's ugly!
     If something falls on the floor, we can't pick it up.  If Jackie bends over, she has a tendency to fall.  If I bend over, I may split open.
     Our little grabber pole has been busy.  And Corki has found a few extra snacks on the ground, along with napkins, tissue, and paper.
     Emily is coming over tomorrow and I'll ask her to take out the garbage,because it weighs more than a jug of milk.  Jackie said she would take it.  Picture this.  She puts it on the walker, throws it out the door, goes down the step, bends over to pick it get the idea there could be a problem.
     I don't want to get old.
     Yes, I know it beats the alternative, but I like tying my shoe laces.  I don't like spots on my shirt.        I don't want to smell worst than the trash Emily is taking out.
     I don't want to be the feeble old guy shuffling along in the store.
     Yes, I know not all people age that way.  I know many people who are active and healthy well into their 80s.
     But how can I be sure I will be that way?
     I may have to lobby for some live in help.
     Speaking of that....anybody know a good house cleaner?

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