Thursday, January 14, 2016


The molehill was a molehill

     I dreaded the surgery to fix my ventral hernia....I think that was what it was called.
     It wasn't so bad.
     I am sitting here with a lightly sore stomach, but no huge incision.  The good doctor inserted some mesh to help the situation, but he said six weeks of limited lifting and I will be good to go.
     I have been icing it.... 20 minutes an hour.  I have taken one pain pill.  I may take another, but I am  really drowsy.
     I am sleeping in my chair tonight just so I don't roll over or get poked by wifey.  I don't want any complications.
     A big thank you to everyone for their thoughts, prayers, $100 bills..... just kidding.
     But seriously, a big thank you to everyone who cared, and cares. about this weird old guy.
     With that, good night.

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