Monday, January 11, 2016

what next

I can't wait for the next stage

   And I don't mean the one to Texas.
    I just seem to forget a lot.  I don't have the big A....I just don't remember.
    Maybe because it is not big in my mind.
    Case in point.  Someone asked me to put the tea kettle on.  I got up, got some cheese, a little wine, and sat down.  A little while later she asked me if the kettle was hot yet.....and I had to answer no, because I did not put it on.
     Went to Walmart for a drug pick up, needed an onion.  Came home with two bags of stuff, but no onion.
     Yet I remember really stupid stuff.
     Today I learned from friend Dan that I had to have my passport sent to the tour company by Dec. 28.  I missed the deadline by three weeks.  Hopefully I am not too late, but I will call tomorrow to be sure.
     Shouldn't they send out reminders on stuff like that?  And shouldn't I read all the tour information at some point?  I expected my kids to do their homework, yet I seem to be ok with  slacking off.
     I have a bathroom to clean and I need to vacuum the basement before Thursday.  Because on Thursday, I won't be in any condition to do anything except cry and complain about the pain.  I fully expect the good drugs this time.....and I will take the correct ones.
     A few years ago I had some cysts and moles taken off my wonderful body. (not the mammal moles, but the brown fuzzy things on your body  that can become cancerous.) Plus part of an ear.  Not like VanGogh or anything, just a "let's do it for fun" thing.
    Anyway, the doctor gave me Norco for pain.  I had pain.  So I stumbled down the stairs and found the bottle that said Nor....and took one.
     Two hours later, I still had pain.  So I took a second.
     After my third one, I looked at the bottle and it was Norvasc.....which is my high blood pressure medication.  I had now taken 4 doses of the BP stuff, but none for pain.  Which explained why I hurt, but was light headed.
     As the good pharmacist told me, "Read the whole bottle."
     Funny, I had a couple of principals who said "Read the whole e-mail"
     I sense a pattern.
     I think I'll just go read part of a magazine.

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