Saturday, January 9, 2016

'scuse me while I barf

I admit I am cheap
     I use coupons.  I buy some items in bulk.  I don't throw stuff out unless it is unusable.  I sometimes eat food past the sell by date.
     But I have nothing over the nightmare I saw on tv today.
     I was channel surfing, looking for an NFL game, when I came across some lady going through garbage.  The bags were in front of a store, and she was carefully going through the contents looking for "salvageable food"
     She found several containers with food.  These looked like the prepackaged meals some delis and food stores sell.
    She took them home.  And ate them.
     Not only that, she had company coming and she dumped three or four of these into a pot and heated them before serving them to her guests!
     Holy cow, what is wrong with  people?
     Imagine the discussion.
     Gee, this meatloaf has an extra tang to it Martha, where did you get it?
     Oh, from a dumpster right behind Walmart....I do all my shopping there.
     (You can't hear the gagging noises I am making thinking about this.)
     Later, as I was bored by the game, I came across the same channel and some guy was talking about how to save money.
     He bragged he had never washed a dish or bought paper plates.  He gets all his paper plates and napkins as leftovers from parties.  Evidently he asks the host or hostess if they are going to use the extras, and if not he takes them.
     As someone who has a box of napkins and paper plates from various holidays, I can understand the logic.  The problem is, my wife refuses to allow me to bring out the mixed plates at parties or when the odd guest shows up.  I maintain people don't give a rat's patooty if they are eating off mis-matched plates and napkins, but I always get over ruled.
     But I digress.
     Back to the cheap guy.
     He saves his yogurt cups.  He washes them and then uses them for drinking glasses.  When guests come over he gives them an old yogurt cup and a marker and they put their name on it so they don't get confused.
     If these are frequent guests in the house, he washes the yogurt cups in the sink because it is cheaper than running the dishwasher.
      I hate to tell him, yogurt cups don't do well in the dishwasher.
     Like I said, I am cheap.
     But if you ever come over for dinner and I am scraping food out of take home containers and filling up yogurt cups with water, then for goodness sake get me to a psychiatrist immediately!
     You see, it runs in the family.
     You know those disposable plastic covered plates used at parties?
    When my dear aunts were alive, I actually saw them washing and drying those plates at my mother's house.  Jackie saw them too.... so it is not my imagination.
     After they left, we threw them out.  The plates, not the aunts.  Well, the aunts left but we threw out the plates.  Clear?
     Anyway, there is cheap and there is nutty crazy cheap...... now if you'll excuse me, I have to go wash out some yogurt cups.  I think company is coming Monday.

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