Sunday, January 24, 2016

so much to ponder

I have quite a bit on my mind

     I had a great weekend.  Spent time with some former co-workers and friends Friday night, sipping wine and eating pizza.  At least I sipped wine.  Time flew as we talked about former students and changes in education over the past 10 years or so.  It was a mellow time.
     Saturday we went out to eat and then played cards.  And no, we didn't play in the restaurant...that would have been silly!  I actually had some good euchre hands, but the fun is visiting  and laughing and talking and sipping wine.  OK, I was the one sipping wine.
     But I do have an "issue" I am dealing with.
     Two weeks ago I had my hernia repair.  The good doc put some butterfly bandages on and said take them off in a week or so.
     It has been two weeks.  I still have one strip on.
     Every time i go to pull it off, my knees get week and my head spins.  And that has nothing to do with the wine!
     It's only about 2 inches, and half of it is already loose.  Jackie said pull it off.  Emily said pull it off.  Doc said pull it off.
     And yet, I wait.  For what??
     I stood in the shower this morning, hoping that would loosen it up a little, but no go.
     Why am I afraid?
     What if the hole is still open and my guts squirt out all over the floor????  Wine isn't easy to clean up. you know.
     What if it bleeds??
     What if it catches on the incision and rips my gut open, spilling my intestines all over the bathroom??
     So I sit and ponder my situation.
     I may try soaking it.
     Or I may just ignore it and hope it goes away.
     Jeez, I hate stuff like this!
     And now I have noticed a shadow on my tv picture.  It looks like a cloud.  It doesn't bother Jackie, but it bugs the hell out of me!  Sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not.  It looks a little like a tornado.  The picture is not obscured, or distorted, but a shadow just hovers over one section of the tv.
     And yes, she does see it so it is not only me.
     I guess that's enough pondering for a while.
     Good night.

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