Sunday, January 3, 2016

Lueezy.....I'm comin' to join ya

I almost had two heart attacks tonight

     Em and John went to a Blackhawks game tonight so I had dog duty.
     That is not normally a problem.
     Did I mention Emily got a 6 foot tall chicken at her shower?  (OK, all the ladies did mention the chicken, which is a male,  in it's less used term....which rhymes with clock and sock.  Comments such as,  "Look at that big clock" were freely repeated.  And often.
     But I digress.
     I unlock the garage entry door and step into the dark and immediately jump. In the glow of the outside lights is this 6 foot chicken, silhouetted by the light.  I thought it was the guinea hen after being radiated by the Byron plant.
     Once my heart calmed down, I let the dogs out. (Feel free to bark four times at this point.)
     One dog, the Spanish one, did not go out.  Instead she went into the front room.  I left the back door open while I went to get her.
      I finally got the dogs all out and back in, which was a problem because Tess and Pearl took forever outside....Pearl because she lost her muzzle on the way out the door.  That caused her to become distracted by items in the yard.
     After about 15 minutes, all the dogs were back in....but I did not see the cat.
     Looked in the dining room.  Nope.  Bedroom.  Nope.  Laundry room.  Nope.
     I called and response.
     I went home and got Julia and a couple of flashlights.  My fear was Jaz went out the open door.
     I went into the yard and shined the light all over.  No cat.
     Julia checked in the basement.  I checked under the bed, in closets, in the dryer and washer.  No cat.
     I opened the cabinets in the island.  Julia checked closets and behind furniture.
     I opened the a kitchen  drawer and out popped one cat!  Scared the bejeebess out of me.  Julia laughed so hard she snorted.
      Jaz was in the kitchen towel drawer...wound up like a jack in the box.
     I assume he was in there for four hours or so.  I don't remember closing the drawer, and I know I did not see the cat when I first went in the house.  I heard him, but he was faint.
     All's well that ends well.  My heart got a couple of shocks....but evidently it's strong enough to withstand a giant chicken and a little cat.

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