Friday, January 15, 2016

mind over matter

I hurt tonight

    I went all day without too much pain....then about 7 my belly started to hurt.  So I took a pain pill, which means I can't take one until about midnight.  Hopefully, I will be asleep by then.
    I have another pain:  Corki.
    She follows me everywhere.  I sit down at the computer, she lays on the floor.  I go to get tea, she is right behind me.  I go back to my chair, she is right behind me.
    I don't know if dogs have some extra sense.  She almost appeared to be upset, like we were mad at her.  She didn't eat her breakfast.  For a dog that is food dependent, that was a surprise.
    We have a morning routine where we make the bed and Corki then jumps up on it and we pet her.
    We didn't do that this morning.
    She went out three times, but would not eat.
    At about 11 Jackie suggested we get her up on the bed and pet her, like we usually do.
    We did, and after about 5 minutes of rubbing and petting, she got off the bed and went to eat.
    I went downstairs for a pizza  (thank you John and Kathy) and the dog was right behind me.  Back up the stairs, she's right next to me.
    She doesn't follow Jackie as much, unless Jackie is in the kitchen.  Corki thinks anyone in the kitchen is a potential food donor, usually accidentally.
     Otherwise, I seem to be her main focus....which wasn't supposed to happen because she is Jackie's dog.
    Oh well.
    I took a pain pill yesterday and have to admit, it did quite a bit for my dreams.  They were even more bizarre than normal.
    I am guessing more of the same is in order for tonight.  Maybe I should have my dream notebook handy.
    Peace and love to all the world.

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