Saturday, January 30, 2016

why not?

I am feeling a little odd  tonight

     I am tired, but not sleepy.
     I finished my fourth Guido Brunetti mystery and while reading it, one of the main characters is decrying Italy's political corruption and the constant stream of politicians being exposed for taking bribes and I thought of Illinois.
     I read about the guy with the red light cameras taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes, which were probably funneled upwards to someone else.
     Funny thing.  One of the consultants in the Trib story had the same name of a friend of mine!  I should have asked john if the Billy, or William, was our buddy from across his alley.  Same last name, consultant to the city.  Have to remember that next time I talk to John.
     But another statement the character in the book  made was that she was thankful Italian politicians could not advertise on tv or radio.
Image that!
     That would be great!  Takes most of the money out of politics.  Puts everyone on an even footing.  Forces candidates to actually spend time campaigning and outlining their positions instead of just throwing bull at the crowd.
     Plus, we would not be flooded by the batch of negative ads that are sure to come out.  All the candidates that want to make America great again should start with their advertisements.  Instead of attacking opponents, give us your stands on issues important to us.
     But those idiots won't do that, because that is too hard.
     And tv and radio stations would hate it, because they would lose millions of dollars.
     Now the former mayor of New York is considering an independent candidacy.  Time magazine lists his net worth at 35 billion dollars!  Makes him one of us, that's for sure.
He could buy Illinois.  And I wish he would.
     I did sign up for the June MS bike ride.  If you want to pledge, or better yet join the team, go to and look for the jackies jokers team.
     Think I'll try a little good night, y'all.

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