Friday, January 1, 2016

deja vu, all over again

I got reacquainted with  a long missed old friend tonight

     His name is Johnny.....not John, but Johnny.
     We used to hang around a lot in the 60s 70s and 80s.  He taught me a lot of things about life, including how to be funny (or at least try to) and that sometimes jokes don't work.
     I gave up a lot of sleep for him, which hurt me.  Come to think of it, I knew him even before getting married to Jackie.  That may explain a lot of things about my life.
     Anyway, he came back into my life today.  It was great seeing him again.  He hasn't age a bit since I saw him last, although last time his hair was a little grayer.
     Now he's back.
     His full name is Johnny Carson.  And reruns of the Tonight Show started tonight at 10 on channel 367, or something like that.
     Hearing Ed  McMahon's voice booming, "Heeeeeeerres Jooooohhhhhnnnny!" brought back a flood of memories as the star bumbled once again through the peacock colored curtains on the set.
     Tonight's show was a rerun from Jan. 1, 1982.  He talked about the Rose Bowl, with Iowa playing just like they sort of did today.  He talked about the parade and the amazing floats.  He made jokes about the president, although it was Reagan, but the humor was still sharp and right on.
     Watching him was like a trip back in time.  Doc Seversen  was there, the band look like I remember them, the audience just as responsive.
     I probably won't be a regular watcher....but it's comforting to know that he's back and that I can tune in anytime I feel the need to be young again.
     And that would be most nights.

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