Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I finished my raised strawberry garden today

     And realized I am an idiot.
     I now have a 4 by 8 foot raised bed for strawberries!
     I just love the little guys when you pick them fresh and put them on cereal, or just eat them.  I don't like the ones grown in California, picked not quite ripe, and sent on a week's journey to reach our stores only to sit in a cooler and then another truck to the store and then get put out for sale.  They just don't taste like the ones we used to pick at Grannies just up the road.
     So I built a raised planter for strawberries.
     I got rid of my dirt pile in the process.  My arm is killing me.  But I got the huge pile moved to the bottom of my planter.  Then I went to the store to buy bags of stuff to fill the planter.
     I bought 2 bags of peat moss.  It's good to amend the soil.  And I bought 15 bags of organic peat and 15 bags of top soil to finish it off.
     I had a guy at the store load my van.
     Let's do the math.  Each bag of organic peat was 40 pounds.  That is 600 pounds.  Each bag of top soil feels about the same.  That is another 600 pounds.
     Any idea what 1,200 pounds in the back end of a mini van does?
     It makes it look like the back end is dragging and the tires are low.
     I was afraid the axle would break.  Or the tires would blow.  Or the bottom would get caught on the railroad tracks.  Or I would have a flat tire and need to change it with 1,200 pounds in the back end to jack up or unload by the side of the road and appear to be a man building a pillbox with dirt bags along the side of the road, so the police would come and a swat team would take me out and Jackie would be stuck with coming to pick up the dirt.
     But next year she would  have strawberries.
     And the kicker?  I only used 10 bags of the composted peat and five bags of topsoil.  The rest is now stacked in the garage.
     Almost enough for another planter.
     Hmmmmmmm........cantaloupe anyone?

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