Saturday, July 18, 2015

making a list

We are starting to pack

     Now that may not seem a big thing, but for us, it is a task that is never finished.
     We have some dolls, folk art, clothes, medications, artwork and who knows what else is arriving in the mail.
    Did I mention clothes?
    I do have a problem this year.  I have been tossing out underwear.  I normally take about 18 to 30 pairs for a trip, but I don't think I have that many.  They are getting old.  The boxers are losing their elastic.
     So I have to buy some more to take with.
     Having clean underwear is vital to any vacation.  No shower?  No problem, with clean underwear.
     Hungry? No problem, with clean underwear.
     Lost?  No problem, with clean underwear.
     Careening down the side of a mountain with an out of control driver?  No problem, with clean underwear.
     Then we have the tough questions.  Sweatshirts or not?  It was 105 last week, but it gets down to the 60s at night.  A sweatshirt might be a good hedge against the cool nights.
     Shorts?  I don't think so.  I will sweat bullets instead of wearing shorts in a foreign country.
     12 shirts?  Not in this guy's bag.  7 is the maximum I am taking.  Plus one I will wear.  And one in the carry on.  And one that I really like.  OK, 12 shirts.
     Jackie one year packed several tops she did not wear.  I will monitor that situation this year.
     One pair of shoes.  But if I go hiking, I will need my hiking boots.  So they have to go.  And I will need my floppy hat to protect me from the sun, even if I don't go hiking.
     And what if I forget my sunglasses at home?  Better pack two pair just in case.
     Camera, watches, (my Swiss watch stopped running.  I don't know if it is the battery.  Julia brought it back at Christmas with a new battery.  Batteries should last longer than 6 months.  How do I communicate that to the French speaking man who repairs watches at the Manor?  Better bring my 2 pound English to French dictionary.)
     My bags are full and we have not put anything in them yet!!
     But I do have to get ready.  So I will print my list of things to take with., a list I use and revise every time we take a trip over the pond.
     It doesn't help.  I still forget things.
     Luckily, they do have stores in Europe.
     Some of them even sell underwear.

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