Tuesday, July 21, 2015

my bags aren't pack, I'n not ready to go

I am having a hard time packing

     Part of the reason is:  I still have five days!  I can't pack now for Tuesday.
     The other part is.....I can't find stuff.
     The power cord for my little Nikon?  Can't find it.  Don't know why it isn't in the camera bag.  I used it several times in the past year and now....pfft!  Gone.  Like a disappearing act in Vegas.
     I thought maybe I would find that when I was looking for the cord to connect my camera to the computer to download pictures.  That used to be in the camera bag too!  Now both of them are missing and I am going nuts.
     I did find a bag with cords for various stuff.....but not the ones I want.  I also found a shoebox with cords....but not the ones I want.
     I have looked high and low, in and out of the den, under the desk, taken stuff off the closet shelves (note to self, got to go through that closet this winter!), looked in drawers, tool kits, pantry shelves.....I tell you, the cords have gone!
      I did find some ear phones for the plane.  I know that is strange, but years ago I had a little growth removed...called an ear lobe.
     Not actually.  It's the little piece of cartilage and skin in front of your ear that prevents wind from blowing in directly and making weird noises.
     Without that little flap, I can't hold ear buds in my left ear.  I mean, I can hold them using my hand, but they don't stay in without me using my hands.
     So lots of times I listen to movies in the right ear on the plane.  But Em found these and gave them to me, and I had forgotten where I put them.
     Sunday when I mowed I had to make a minor adjustment on my mower.  Needed a wrench.  I have all my wrenches in a clear plastic shoe box on a shelf in the garage.  Not there.  Looked all around, in the cupboard, under stuff.  Nada.  Went downstairs, looked on the workbench, under it, around it, on shelves....Nada.
     Went back to the garage and repeated the process.  Nothing.  (By the way, someone once said stupidity was doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results.  Or something like that.  Maybe it was insanity.  Either way, it fits me.)
     Went downstairs and sitting in plain sight was the stupid box with the wrenches.  Plain sight.  Right there.
     That little process took me almost 20 minutes.
     Anyway, the lost is found in one case, and the lost is still lost in another.
     Hopefully I will find it tomorrow so I can start packing.  I bought new underwear, so I am back up to 19 pairs.  I just hope I don't lose them.

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