Tuesday, July 14, 2015

same old, same old

I think I am too old for change

     I was awake half the night because I saw  a spot on my body I had never seen before.  I was convinced this was not good.  It's a mole,  and I bet I have had it for years and never seen it until last night.  Why last night, I will never know.
     So I did not sleep well.  Or at all.  I wandered, sat, laid down, wandered......finally I fell asleep in the chair in the den.
     Tonight I was at church weeding the garden.
     I left the house 10 minutes late because I could not find any of my bug spray.  After looking everywhere, I found one of them right where I put it so I would not forget.  The second spray was in my car, where I had left it from last week.  I found a third spray when I got home.
     I wear this old leather shoes.  I was weeding on my hands and knees and my feet were crossed behind me.  My shoes rubbed together and let out the loudest fart sounding noise I had ever heard.   Rick was weeding next to me and did not say a word.  I was a little embarrassed because I don't do that in public.  (Fart, I mean..)  Then it happened again!  Damn squeaky shoes.
     And of course, I had updates on my computer.  Do you think I have the right password>  No, that would be too easy.  I need a password for my computer, apple, the cloud, and I think all of them are different.
     I am going to start resetting passwords to something I can remember.
     Like, 1,2,3,4,5,6
     Or Password.
     Something no one will be able to figure out.
     Back to my mole.  I had fears I would have to have surgery ASAP and a certain part of my anatomy would be altered forever.  But the worst part would be I could not go to Julia's.
     So, I believe Jackie when she says there is nothing to worry about.  I am positive it is a mole.
     Just to be safe, I won't sleep well tonight either.
     I will never learn to put stuff away.  I will never learn to write down updated passwords.  I will never learn not to worry.
     Someday, none of that will matter anyway.

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