Saturday, July 25, 2015

strangeness in life

I sometimes think the world is indeed a strange place

     Not always wonderful, but strange.  Things just seem out of context so often, it begins to confuse me.
     I was watching a Rockford TV station recently (because I have to) and a commercial by the station came on.  It talked about Rockford and how wonderfully diverse it was.  Yet all the people they showed in the commercial were white.  Seems if you have a diverse image you are building on, then show different type of people.
     The Rockford bus system has a commercial about service and says 5,000 people a day ride the bus.
     My math is not so good, but I am thinking 5,000 people a day at $2 a ride is $10,000 a day revenue, which is not very much.  Given that seniors and disabled individuals ride for half price, and that makes it even less.  So how much does the bus service lose every year?
     Why do I see so many Beloit Snappers commercials and no Rockford...what are they called now? Riverhawks? Aviators? commercials?
     Does Johnny of Mr. C's really have a hamburger as big as his head?
     When a press conference is held, why are there always so many people standing behind the speaker?  They never say anything, they just stand there.  Sometimes they nod, but mostly they stand there.
     Why do so many officials read prepared statements instead of just answering questions?  It can be a mundane matter, and the government person just reads from a sheet of paper.  Even at meetings this is happening.  Are people just too afraid to talk?
     Why do I get so many ads on my computer for ED and meeting single women but none for Viagra?  If computers are so smart, they'd see the problem in their marketing.
     Why do I always get the slowest line?
     Why do so many people speed?  Isn't obeying the law one part of being a good citizen?
     How come I often see one shoe along a road?  How do you lose a shoe?
     And speaking of that, do one legged people have to buy a pair of shoes?  What do they do with the extra shoe?
     What is the extra cost of the state legislature meeting in Springfield?  They can't solve the budget, which they have had months to work on, so they have to work overtime to continue to not fix it?
     Blago isn't looking so bad now, is he?
     Why am I not packing my suitcase?
     Like I said, full of oddities, my friends.

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