Friday, July 17, 2015


It was pretty hot today

     I hung around with some goats for an hour or so this morning.  When goats poop, it comes shooting out of their butt like peas from a pea shooter.  Little, round balls that just fly through the air.       My duties involve sweeping them up and making sure people don't bring food into the goat yard.
     I lost 10 pounds just standing there.  It was like a sauna.  I was shirt was wet.  I looked like TC on stage.
     Going home was no treat.  The car sat in the heat for about four hours.  If I had bread to bake, I could have baked it in the car.
     When I was younger (a phrase I use quite often now that I am 106) the heat did not bother me so much.  Now I just can't handle it.
     I rested in the house for a couple of hours before venturing out again.  This was a food trip because it is pizza night.
     I had a little time, so I mowed Em's front yard.....doesn't really take that long.  I would have done the back, but I had the wrong shoes.  If you are a dog owner, you know what I mean.
     My old, beat up, cruddy shoes are for walking in dog yards or mud.  Or both.  I never wear them in the house because I don't want to track a lot of stuff into the corny palace.
     I have to mow my yard too, but mine takes about 90 minutes, hers took about 20.  No brainer on that one.
     Tomorrow should be worse.  I have Thrive Garden Market tomorrow, plus a party, plus some yard work at my house.....but I don't think all of it will get done.
      We never have drop ins.  Tonight we had two sets of drop ins, both people stopping by to say good bye, in a way.
      I always hate to see people leave.  But I know it is for the best.  Birds gotta fly the nest.  Bees gotta get out of the hive.  Times have to change.  Opportunity only knocks once.  Like my front door, you have to knock because I still haven't called anyone about the door bell.  Ironic it would be if a person named Opportunity came to the house and knocked and we didn't hear her.
     Opportunity....sounds like an old time name some girl would have been given if she lived out in some small prairie town in Nebraska or South Dakota.
     Like Faith, or Hope.
     Or Good Night.

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