Sunday, July 12, 2015

summer is here....happy?

It was pretty hot and humid today

     I did not spend much time outside.
     When I was a kid, we didn't have air conditioning and the heat did not affect us. is hard when you are older.  I walked down to the end of the block and was pretty hot by the time i got back.
     Then I decided to do some weeding.  I put my arm down and pulled a weed out.  Thousands of ants followed.  They went up my arm, got under my watch , and bit!  Not painful bites, but little pinches.
     The ground was crawling with ants....I have never seen so many in my life.
     I sprayed the nest with bug killer.....but I don't think it will help much.
     It's hot in Switzerland too.  Julia said it is in the 90s....even hit 105 this week.  For a place without AC, that is hot.  Same in Italy and, hot, hot.
     Anyway, tomorrow marks the birth of my favorite living in America daughter.
     Yes...Emily came into the world on July 13 just a few years ago.
     She was born at Rockford Memorial.  Jackie was very big, and a couple of weeks overdue.
    We were in the room and the nurses and docs came in and looked at me, and asked if I wanted to be in the delivery room.
     I said I was going for coffee.  And I did.
     I figured they did not need someone fainting during the middle of a birth....which I am prone to do in medical situations.
     Happy Birthday Emily........Mummy and Daddy luv you very much!

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