Wednesday, July 29, 2015

and here we are......

We made it safely to Switzerland

      I only took two little relaxers......and I was pretty calm all the way over here.
      Flying economy is always a treat.  The seats are fairly close together and if you drop something on the floor, forget it.  You can't bend over to pick it up.  Or tie your shoes.  Or untie your shoes.
     And if Jackie doesn't feel like getting up and I have to get out, it looks like a scene from an x rated movie.
     I watched two movies...Chocolate and the Second Best Most Exotic Marigold Hotel.
     At some point during Marigold, , maybe because of the pills or the wine, I did fall asleep.
    With a little wine in my glass.
     But I quickly woke up when my leg became wet.
     Unfortunately, I could not reach down to blot the wine....and anyway my napkin had already fallen on the floor.  Jackie was sleeping soundly, and I did not want to wake her to act out an x rated scene..
     So I have purple striped pants......which is not a big problem, because I still have two more pair of pants.  And Julia has a washer, but I don't want to do one pair of pants.
     This is the second time that has happened on a flight over...which means I really need to be more careful with the wine.
     We left Chicago hot and sweaty.
     In Geneva we wished we had sweat shirts.  It was somewhere in the lower 60s and rainy.
     But the walker stayed with us, no luggage was lost, and I stayed awake until now, about 10 p.m.  OK, I did take a two hour nap from 3 to 5, and I slept on the 40 minute flight from Zurich to here.  And my eyes are sagging..........sleep will be coming shortly.
     Meanwhile, we have to keep our eyes open for a little lizard that snuck in the other day....seems to be lurking about the apartment.  At least it will keep the spiders in check!
     Tomorrow, the moving adventure begins!
     Tonight the dreams begin.

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