Saturday, July 4, 2015

snap, crackle, pop

I like the July Fourth fireworks

     I love watching the colors and shapes form in the skies over the rural landscape.  Heck, I even like them in the city when WGN shows them.  Well, when we used to be able to see them.
     But I really don't like all the people who shoot them off from their backyards.  It is 11:15 and some nut is popping off some pretty loud ones in my neighborhood.
     I guess there is no better way to spend the Fourth than breaking the law and disturbing your neighbors.
     I just wish all those people who say they love our country would actually obey the laws.
     Think of that.  Law abiding citizens taking to the streets.  Police could concentrate on catching the bad guys and getting the drunks off the road if they didn't have to spend time ticketing speeders and all the other petty offenses that we, the people, commit on any given day.
     Anyway, enough of my mini rant.....time for bed.
     If I can sleep.

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