Monday, July 20, 2015

my butt is sore

I did my longest ride of the year today

     I rode from my house into town, stopping at Cypress House for an iced caramel latte.
     The total distance was 19.1 miles, and I actually felt pretty good at the end.  I admit, I was tired because the wind seemed to pick up once I hit Hemstock Road.  And when I got to Fowler Road, it was even stronger.
     An old biking maxim is ride out into the wind, ride home with the wind at your back.   But that doesn't always work when you are riding a loop and the wind is with you on the way out.
     When I got home I watered the plants on the porch, using my expandable hose as seen on TV and available at Walgreen's.  The hose came apart at the seams! It was spewing water everywhere.  I went to turn off the hydrant and I could not...water kept flowing out.  I got another hose and attached it, getting soaked in the process.  Ever try to put a hose on a faucet that is running?  It is not easy.
Jackie called the plumber and they came out later and fixed it.....I can't wait for that bill.
     I picked some more beans and peas and then we blanched them and froze them.  We have enough peas and beans for  two winters, and there are still more coming.
     Some pictures from today.

This is what I look like with a moustache

Beans beans beans...the more you eat the more you toot.

Need I say more?

There's an abandoned railroad line that makes a good place to stop for a rest.  Hasn't been a train on it for years, as far as I can tell.  
Wait a you hear something?

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