Monday, July 13, 2015

what happened?

Today was a big day

     We took our baby out for supper to celebrate her birthday.  Hard to believe she has grown up.    These past few months have been a strain, but she has held up well.
      So tonight we celebrated.  Dinner at Stone Eagle.  Dessert of chocolate cake from Portillo's at our house.  Watching the lightning and hoping for mild weather.
     I also did a bike ride today.  Realized I had not ridden in a week and needed to get on the bike.  I had been riding about 40 miles a week but last week....only 10.  It's easy to get lazy.  I need to get some longer rides in.....anyone?  Maybe Stone Bridge or Jane Adams?  Ann and Ed will go with, but their schedules are pretty full too.
     I also picked my first peas!  I have a picture, somewhere.  To be honest, I fell asleep about 10:45 and just woke time for bed.  I am just too tired to download the picture.
     Hopefully ride tomorrow, lunch with retired teachers, a little yard work, weeding at St. Paul.....the less I do, the busier I feel.
     Time for real bed.

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