Friday, July 31, 2015

I am tired tonight

This was a pretty busy day!

     I made it down to Vevey to take my watch in for repair.  I have a neat Swiss watch but lately it has not been keeping the best of time.  It stops.  I know, I have a face that would stop a clock, but I swear it is not my fault.
     So I left it with the nice people at Manor, a major upscale department store.
     Then I took a walk to the lake to see the large four masted schooner that was out on the water.  Unfortunately, it had moved to the eastern end of the lake.  So to compensate for my disappointment, I had an ice cream.
     I wandered back toward Manor and was beckoned by the sweet smell of an American staple....Starbucks!!  Menu is pretty much the same in the U.S. as it is here....except in French.
     Then I tried to get money from the ATM.  "Transaction not possible at this time,"  came up on the screen.  I tried again.  And again.  Tried a different machine.....nada.  Tried my second card and evidently can't remember the pin.  So I went back to Manor to check on my watch and pick up some decaf tea.
     Watch needs repair.  They will call with an estimate.  I gave them Julia's number and went back to the ATM.  This time, success!!  Money came rolling out of the machine.
     Funny thing.  In Switzerland, when I take out 300 CH, I get two bills:  a 200 CH and a 100 CH.  If I go into a store and buy, say 15 CH in groceries, I can give them the 200 and they don't even blink.  In the U.S., anything over a 20 is suspect.
     Back to Julia's, pockets filled with cash and belly filled with saturated fats.
     When Julia got home we started about 6 boxes done and Kevin and Cristina  called and invited me on a walk!
     So up to the top of the mountain we drove, then spent an hour walking through the beautiful, though overcast highland of Switzerland.
     It's now just after midnight.  We have watched fireworks tonight because Aug. 1 is celebrated as the day Switzerland actually became Switzerland.  Pretty interesting stuff.  Nothing is open on Aug. 1.  No National Day sales, hot deals on cars, mattress blow outs.....although the farmers' market will go on in the square by the lake.
     With rain predicted, and boxes to pack, I think I'll skip this market day.
     Now for some pictures from today.

 Julia is moving from about 11 in Chardonne to about 43 in Corseaux

 Lake always is beautiful from the shore in Vevey

 Looking across the land toward Chardonne.  Julia's current place is just a little below the while building at about 11:58!  You can also see the funi rail.

 This beauty was on our walk on top of the mountain.

 If you take this picture, and the following three put get a panoramic of where I was standing.

     Well, that is all for tonight.
     Time for this traveler to hit the hay!

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