Wednesday, July 8, 2015

huh....didn't think of that

My pictures have several lives

     I deleted a lot of pictures off my computer that I had taken with my phone.  
     As you remember, I explained I did not know how to delete pictures from my phone.  Now I do.
     So I went and deleted pictures from my camera and just plugged my phone back in.
     All the pictures are back. 
     Why?  Because I did not delete them from the phone, only the computer.
     Live and Learn.
     Now I know to delete from the phone first, then go to the computer.  Should be simple.
     Anyway, one picture that did not get deleted:

     I was pulling weeds along the driveway and this little guy popped out of a dirt clod.  I carefully relocated him to a safer area. 
     I named him Daot.  Yes, that's right...he is Daot Toad.  (Sound out Da oat toe ad)
     He is a palindrome toad.
     I used to watch a tv show about that...Have Gun, Will Travel.  You have to be at least 60 to get the was Paladin, he was a gun slinger in the west.  Good western, bad joke.
     Now days, judging by people's mouths, it could be Have Gum Will Travel.
     So many people chew gum...I have even seen people on stage chewing away, and I keep looking at tv reporters and anchors.
     I'm not a gum chewer ... too many cavities and too many fears I will pull out a filling.
     Sometimes I wish I owned stock in a gum company...I think I would be getting richer every day.
    I am going to bed now...disappointing loss by the Cubs.  Thought they had the Cards tonight, but one pitch, one stinkin' bad pitch, cost the game.  Sigh.
     I leave you with this invitation:

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