Thursday, July 9, 2015


Sometimes I don't know what to write about

     Probably should be:   about what to write, that way I don't end the sentence with a proposition.
     I sit at the computer and I am blank.
     Not only with the blog, but with my twice monthly column in the Rochelle News Leader.
     I draw blanks.
     I have a column in this Sunday and I usually try to finish it on Thursday.  Today, I hadn't even started writing.  Worse yet, I had no topic.
     I thought about the state of Illinois and finances, but people with more smarts than me are already writing about that.  Same with Iran, presidential politics, the price of chickens and a whole bunch of other stuff.
     I had spent the day cleaning and was headed to the bank for a few errands.  I opted to take my little laptop with and get a cup of coffee at Cypress House.
     I sat outside, and an idea came to me.... and I wrote.
     Tonight I polished it as best I could, and sent it off.
      I think it's pretty darn ok.  I do expect an award, possibly a Pulitzer, for best commentary by a retired school teacher on a bi monthly basis.  Which also confuses me.  Bi monthly to me means twice a month.  Some people say it is every other month.  They are wrong.
     And now my feet itch.  At certain times, my feet are on fire.  First I take off  my socks, then I squirm for 10 minutes, then I spray them.  I don't care what I spray them with...bug spray, WD 40, the important part is spraying them.
      But I also have to go to bed.  Big weekend.  Cubs tomorrow.  Happy 100th birthday to the Iron Fountain in Rochelle....program from 1-2 on Saturday.  There will be cake.  Then Zoo Saturday night for a Summer Nights shift.
     Hopefully Sunday will be a day of rest, without storms and places to go.  Next week....garage cleaning!
     Peace and love....

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