Friday, July 24, 2015

deja vu, all over again

I still love the Tour

     The Tour de France.  That huge bike race that runs in July.
     Riders are nearing the end and I have only watched snippets.  Until tonight.
     There was an edited race highlight rerun of today's action.  These guys raced uphill at speeds of about 18 miles an hour, and hit the low 40s on the downhill runs.  Today's stage was 138 Kilometers, which should be about a little over 80 miles.
     When you watch them, they are constantly pedalling.....they seldom coast, unless it is in the downhill portion.
     For them, riding 100 miles in a day is no big thing.....and they do 21 stages like that in a 24 day period!
     They have to be physically fit.....none of them have a lot of meat on them.
     One rider is in his mid 30s, which is amazing considering the strength and conditioning riders go through.  You would think age would make a difference.
     Sometimes when I ride my bike, plodding along at 11 mph, I imagine myself riding in the Tour.  Of course, I am a lot younger and a lot skinnier.  I never win, but I don't lose by much.
      I am envious of them.  Not just because of their age, and physical conditioning, and strength.  But       I am envious because of their determination, their never give up attitude, their give all until you just don't have any more to give, their concentration on diet.
      I don't think I will ever not be fat.  My parents weren't, so I get a little puzzled as to why I am. Maybe it is the food I eat, and the lack of exercise.  But I have ridden my bike more this summer than last summer.....and I am up in weight over last summer.
     I guess I just have to start buying bigger pants......because cutting down on food does not seem to be an option.
     Anyway, two more days of the Tour and then it's over.  I would like to see it in person some day. People wear all sorts of strange outfits as they cheer on the racers.  Imagine waiting for hours for the riders to come past and they are gone in seconds.....blurs in the camera of life.
     Tomorrow they do what traditionally seems to be the last climb of the race.  It should be an event filled with drama, excitement, and sheer willpower to succeed.
     I think I'll do a symbolic jaunt around the block in support of their efforts.
     Maybe I'll see you on the road. Just don't run me over.

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