Saturday, July 11, 2015

gotta sleep.....

I am tired, but not sleepy

     Got home from the zoo about 10:30 and was so tired, I actually missed Skare Road and had to turn around in the park.  (Yes, Todd....those were my headlights flashing into your house at 10:40 tonight.  Sorry)
     But I can't sleep.
     Sure, I have had a little caffeine today, but that should be wearing off.  Right?
     So I am reading the news.
     Lots of strange stuff and one article that just made me mad.
     A policeman in Kansas arrested a woman and her 15 year old daughter for shoplifting after they were caught at a local store stealing diapers, food and other necessities.  The officer paid for all the stuff, but charges were still pressed.
     What made me mad is that in this land of plenty, a woman and her children are living out of a car, doing without the basics every human being deserves.
     If they were dogs, or cats, or whatever, they would be adopted by people who love animals.
     But they are people.  A family who lost their husband and father in 2011.  A family who has been struggling ever since,  Struggling to the point of having to steal to provide basic needs.
     In a country as great as ours, it just doesn't make sense that people have to live that any city, or any state ...  in our union.
     Kudos to the officer.  Kudos to the people who have sent in money to help the family get back on their feet, find a place to live, and get the car fixed.
     I know there are people who will say the woman is lazy and should get a job.  That stealing is wrong.
     But sometimes people can't find work.  They are not qualified.  They can't find daycare.  They don't have skills.  They still need to eat and have a place to live.
     We nee dto do a better job of helping those people.
     That's it.....all I got on that topic.

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