Tuesday, June 30, 2015

a light, or a train?

I am almost done with my planter

     Yes, this is the planter I started on three weeks ago!  Every time I go out to move dirt, it rains.   We have had two days of almost sunny weather, so I was able to move some dirt today.
     And my arm is killing me.
     Which reminds me of when I would say to a fifth grader: " Does your face hurt?"  When they asked why, I'd say "Cause it's killing me!"  They usually only answered me once, then ignored me whenever I asked the question.  They'd warn other kids not to answer.  It was a keep them on their toes type question.
     But I plan to finish tomorrow.  Yes, the sun will be out.  Yes, the dirt is still damp, Yes, it will be hard.  But it will get done.
     I had seven things to do on my to do list two weeks ago.  There are still six items left.  The list is getting so old, it is actually at antique status.
     After the planter, I plan to fill in along the driveway and clean the garage.
     Neither is as easy as it sounds.
     I have filled in along the driveway before, but the dirt keeps disappearing.  I have to put dirt and some grass seed, but I know as soon as I plant the grass seed we will go into a drought.
     That's my luck.
     And cleaning the garage?  Could be a huge time eater.  I will have to have a space for garage sale items, a space for Kane County items, a space for Emily items, and a space for what in the hell am I going to do with this stuff.
     Emily is lucky in a way.  She has the opportunity to have a clean garage, without all the crap that accumulates.  I have five sprayers.  Two don't work.  One is brand new and does not work.  I can't find the receipt.  This is a one gallon sprayer with a two foot host for the inside....just makes no sense.   I am going to have to call the company and ask them about it.
     I have a fountain for my porch that has not gone out in three years.  I love the fountain.  I will put that out soon.  But then again, why hurry?  When we get back from Chocolateland there will only be about 6 weeks of porch weather, and I'll just have to put it away again.
    Oh well.  Someday I'll have it all figured out.

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