Sunday, July 26, 2015

what happened to me today?

I had three jobs to do today

1.  Weed behind the house.
2.  Pack Julia's box.
3.  Clean the third bathroom.

     I did one of the three.  I packed Julia's box.
     Now that may sound easy, but it is not. The box is 20 x 20 x 20.  The airline says the checked bag can be 62 linear inches, which they define as length plus width plus height.  The box is only 60, so it should be ok.
     Lord knows the weight is fine....45 pounds and it can have 50.  But I could not squeeze any more in the box.  Mini Raviolis and soup make up a lot of weight!  So there are some smaller items that are going in my suitcase, along with the 168 pairs of underwear and 2 shirts I will be packing.
     Yes, I am not good at packing.  I tend to just start throwing stuff into the suitcase when I am under pressure.
     And I eat under pressure.
     Which explains the wrappers around the computer.  My stomach hurts, along with my arm.  Did I mention my arm hurts??
     I sorted my pills too.  That was not a job on the jobs list.  But it started raining so I did not go into the yard to work, which was a mistake.  There are huge weeds in the flower beds that should be pulled....but I don't think I will have time.
     Time.  T minus 44 hours 'til lift off.
     Now I have to clean the bathroom, mow and trim tomorrow.
     I also have to buy more tape to seal the box, more of a vitamin I forgot, gas for the van and mowers, a box to ship the knives ..... I didn't mention that before.  I have a broken Cutco knife.  OK, they are a lot of money and have a lifetime guarantee.  So I am mailing it in to the company for a free replacement.  but I decided to ship two more knives for sharpening, so now I have to find a box to put all those in.....
     Where are the cookies???/ Damn it, I ate them!!
     I need a hair cut.  It will grow out too long in three weeks.
     And I have a small poster to put together....maybe.
     I get a little nervous before a flight.  I am tired, so I think I better go to bed so I can get up early and get all my stuff done.
     Or not.

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