Monday, July 6, 2015

huh....did not know how I did that

I learned something about my cell phone today

     I learned how to delete photos.  I have taken a lot of pictures but I did not know how to delete them.  John came over tonight and he showed my how to do that.
     I deleted about 100 photos from my phone, and from my computer.  I need to do that again tomorrow.  Hopefully I can get it down to the 6,000 level on my computer, which would be a miracle.  Doing the math, if I delete 100 a day....that is 1,000 in ten days.....or 6,000 in 60 days.  By then I'll have added 800 pictures!  Jeez, it's like I am on a treadmill here!
     One thing I did not learn, but still did, was to delete someone from my phone.
     I got a text, with important information, and when I went to reply ... poof!  It was gone.  Not only that text, but all other texts I received from that person today.  No phone number, no text, no name....almost as if the person didn't exist except in my mind.
      Yes, technology still baffles me.  I prefer books, pencils and legal pads.  But that is a different age.
     Not sure I can adapt enough to learn all the new stuff.  It keeps changing.  Just when I think I have it figured out, a wrinkle gets added and I am at sea over the changes.
     Such is life.  Edison and Bell started all this....hope they are happy.

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