Thursday, July 23, 2015


I have paid a dear price for natural air

     Jackie has allergy and sinus we have the AC on a lot.  In addition, with the MS she can't stand the heat and humidity....just not good for her.
     So sometimes, when the night air is cool, I move to another room, open the windows, and sleep in the natural AC.
     The last two nights have been pretty cool.  I can't sleep in the spare bed because it has stuff to be packed on it. (Digression.....2 pillows, 2 dolls, some primitive art work, and groceries and packages yet to come.  I am putting it all in a box and checking it as luggage.  But until I box it up, probably Tuesday morning, the bed is full.)
     So I slept in my chair in the den.
     Big mistake.
     Sure, I listened to WNIJ with the lights off and the mellow evening tones relaxed me.
     Sure, I had to get up at midnight to turn off the radio because  BBC World News comes on and I love listening to the reports.
     Sure, the chair is not as comfortable as the bed.
     Sure, I have a huge knot in my back and my arm hurts and I can't seem to relieve the pain in the arm.
     But it was worth it.
     I love the sound of the trains as they work across the prairie.  Their horns are fairly quiet, but as they approach Knoll, Skare, Fowler and Flagg Center they are louder, more frequent, then softer and finally gone.
     Sometimes I can hear owls hooting in the woods.  Sometimes  I can hear coyotes yipping.
     But I do hear a lot of traffic.  Seems Flagg Road is a lot busier since the tolls on 88 went up.  I think people use that as an alternative to save money.
     And the smells.....night air smells better than day air.
     But alas, tonight it is back into bed.  I have to get up early tomorrow and I need my beauty fact, I need as much as I can get.
     Besides, I don't think I can take another night in the chair.

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