Monday, July 27, 2015

T minus 20 hours and counting.....

I am like a pin ball

     Bouncing around without direction.......going wherever the flippers tell me to go.
     But I am making progress.
     I did get the back of the house weeded.  Mostly.  There is one area that has day lilies from Emily's.      And grass.  And thistles.  It is a large area, but it is  not weeded.   I guess you could call it an unweeded mother.
     I also got the bathroom cleaned.  Ok, it was during Bryant's at bat in the ninth inning, so I had to race into the TV viewing area to catch a replay.  Go Cubs!!  You frustrate the honey out of me and then you turn it around and I love you just as much as I did before Cincinnati and the Phillies.
Julia's box is packed.  I picked up contacts and solution today.
     Funny story.  I was walking through Walmart and some guy yelled at me.  I didn't look, I just kept walking.  Then he yelled, "Hey you in the yellow shirt, stop."  I kept walking because I had on an orange shirt.
     I was at the register and a friend came up and tapped me on the back.
     "How come you didn't stop?" he asked.
     I told him I only heard him  yell to the guy in a yellow shirt.
     "Oh yeah.....that shirt's not yellow.  I guess I better  go back and review my colors."
     Went to Emily's to let out the dogs....but forgot her key and and to go home to get it.
     Got the van full of gas and the gas for the mowers. Gas prices have tumbled in the past week, which I think is a good thing.
     I also mowed and trimmed.
     Tomorrow I have to clean the shower and do the floors.
     And pack.
     I would do that tonight, but I am washing 98 pairs of undies to take on the trip.
     You may not hear from me for a while....usually I get jet lag pretty bad for the first couple of days.       But have no fear......the word will be here.
     Nighty night

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