Wednesday, July 15, 2015

thanks...many times over

I like when people say they read my stuff

     Like this blog, for instance.  I do it because it is good therapy for me.  I get to vent, express myself, talk about my day and people read it and sometimes comment.  I like that.
     I do a newspaper column for the News Leader.  My column goes in twice a month and I am getting rich off the astronomical amount they pay me.  (One person said incredulously, "They pay you?  They don't pay me!")  And if I break it down to a per hour basis, it is probably about $5 an hour.
     Wine money.
     Sometimes I don't have a topic, for this or for the paper.  I have a routine I do before I enter my blog for the day, and that helps clear my mind.
     But the paper sometimes is difficult.  For example, I do my rough draft of the column usually on a Monday, then I let it sit.  I read it Wednesday, make some changes, and again, let it sit.  Then Thursday night I look at it, revise and correct the numerous spelling mistakes and e mail it to the paper.
     I sat down at the computer last Monday and drew a blank.  Ditto on Tuesday.  No inspiration on Wednesday.  On Thursday I went to Cypress House, got a coffee, sat out in front and started thinking about all the things I haven't done this summer....and that became the column.
     Topic wise, it wasn't bad.  Not the best, but it wasn't bad.
     Another person said they like when I "shake things up."  I don't think I have done that.  I am pretty neutral on most issues, don't push my ideas too hard, and really don't consider myself as shaking things up.
     But I was flattered the person said they read the column.
     Other semi interesting point....most of the people who have said they read the paper are older. Not all, but most.
     I think that is because the newspaper is gradually losing its base to electronic readers.  There will still be newspapers, but not so much printed ones.
     Anyway, thank you all for reading.
     In case you are wondering, or keeping track, this is post 552.
     Not bad for someone who can't finish things.

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