Friday, July 3, 2015

it's a strange, strange road indeed

I am 0-4 in ball games this year.

     The Cubs have lost all the ones I have gone to.  Maybe it's me.  Maybe it's the W flag I carry with me.
     This was a very strange day.
     There were over 40,000 in the park today and the 800 or so in our section were all hyperactive ADHD with overactive bladders and incredibly poor seat finding skills.
     We watched one guy move four times.  He and his son finally settled in the middle of a row.
     Some girl in a cast came in in the eighth inning!  She was almost all the way down in the section, so of course it took her forever to get there.   She had three was like a freakin' funeral possession going down the aisle.  And she was sitting in the middle of the row, so everyone had to stand up to let her hop to the seat.  And guess what?  She was in the wrong section!  She had to get back up, move out of that row, cross the aisle and move to the middle of that row.
     The one guy in front of us checked his phone every ten minutes....but he had to get up to get it out of his pocket.  Then he sat down.  Then he got up.  Down.  Up.  Down. Up.
     It was worse than Wac a Mole at the carni midway.
     Our seats are on the right side of the aisle.  So any time a beer vendor passes, which is about every 15 seconds,  (People really like those $9 beers) or somebody comes or goes, they pass us, temporarily blocking our view.
     There was one brief moment when a whole two thirds of an inning  passed and nobody had to get up, move their seat, come in, or stand up.
     I looked around at other sections and it did not seem they had half the movement ours and the one next to us did.  Constant motion.
     I like what they do at the Rockford Ice Hog games....when the game is in progress, you can't reenter the arena in some seating areas.  You have to wait for a break in the action.
     Even the people next to us noticed all the movement.
     I have a Ventra card.  It is loaded with money so all I have to do is swipe it to get on the L.  When Dan and I were headed to the park, I casually said, "I wonder how much I have on my card?"
I found out after the game, where 39,998 of those on hand were moving to the L.  I swiped my card and it said "Insufficient Funds."
     By now 39,996 people had limed up at the Ventra machines to buy tickets.
     So, I opted to walk to Belmont and recharge my card there.  I saw a Walgreen's, and went in there instead.  They were happy to recharge it so I could get on the L.
     I asked Jackie to recharge it while I walked, but it seems I have a couple of passwords for my Ventra account.  Either that or I have one incredibly long and complex password that even I don't get when I look at it.
     Finally, capping off the weirdness. .. I stopped at the bar be cue place in DeKalb for supper.  I was the only customer.  And the people running it are Asian.  Someone was singing O Holy Night.  There are several video poker and slot machines.  The man asked me where I worked.  I told him I lived in Rochelle.  He said he only got here two days ago and didn't know where that was.
     His English wasn't bad.
     But no southern drawl and it really shook my confidence in Chicago bar be cue.
     The sandwich, and hush puppies, were pretty good, however.
     Next Friday it's the Sox.....and I better not be 0-5 after that one!

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