Tuesday, July 7, 2015

don't tell me anything

I am in one of those states of mind

     The last couple of days I have been having fits with my mind.
     I take things the wrong way.  I hear things the wrong way.  I catch imaginary diseases.
     I was talking to someone who lost a relative to stomach cancer.  It went undetected until a minor medical procedure showed the cancer had advanced.  Now I worry about that.
     I worry that my drinking water isn't safe.  I must have heard a news story about polluted water somewhere.
     Even Facebook posts have bothered me.  To much negative news, too many people yelling at each other.  To many divisive issues being aired.
     I can't sleep, can't focus, can't stop snacking.  I haven't ridden my bike in a couple of days.  My weight is going up.  I have to have blood tests.  It's hot in Europe.
     I can't get things done I want to get done.  Hell, I can't even start them to not get them done.
     Took advantage of the wet ground to aerate my yard....ran out of gas.  Of course, I had none in the cans so I had to wait until I made a trip into town for something so I could get gas.
     Went to let the dogs out yesterday and did not take the right house keys with me.  A 30 minute task took over an hour.
     I made a joke and nobody laughed.  Poor taste.
     I bought a sprayer.  The directions say insert pink hose.  The hose is white.  It is very long.  I called the company.  They said they switched to white hoses and black hoses but did not switch the directions.  Thanks.
     Went to print off some papers and the printer is out of ink.
     Have a meeting tomorrow morning at 7.  One time, the alarm went off, I got up, read the Trib on line, had tea....and forgot about the meeting, which was why the alarm went off.  Hope I don't do that again.
     Just a weird couple of days.  Can't even write proper sentences.
     Good night.
     Good grief.

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