Sunday, July 5, 2015

Darwin was right

I just don't understand people

     A guy decides to go swimming in a Texas pond that has alligators in it.  There are signs.  He is warned.  People yell at him not to do it.
     He says pish posh, gators won't hurt me.
Wrong O crocodile teeth.  The gators ate him for supper.  I guess he did not feel that the gators would feed on him because he was a nice guy.
     And in Maine a young man died when he put a fireworks mortar tube on top of his head and lit the rocket.  On top of his head!
    Holy crap, some people just don't seem to use common sense.
    I do share in the sadness these young men bring to their families, but, holy cow!
    Last week there was a video posted of some guy in a alligator pen attempting to pet one of the animals.  He had climbed over the fence to get there.  He luckily escaped when the gator turned and snapped, just missing him.
    And then there are the stories of nominally sane people who think it is ok to pet the bear or the lion in the cage at the zoo.  They invariably lose a limb.
    Here's another hint:  Don't stand in front of wild bison for a photo op.  They will charge you and gore you.  A student from Taiwan found that out recently when her host family took her to Yellowstone and thought that was a good photo idea.
    I think that is why we have so many signs in our world that warn us not to do things that sensible people would not do.
    So, Darwin's message might be something like "Go ahead and be an'll only make that mistake once."
    Or something like that.
    Good night.

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